EventsSmart Cities Marketplace Forum

Smart Cities Marketplace Forum

Duration: 09.06.2021 - 10.06.2021 City: online Country: online

This year's edition of the Smart Cities Marketplace Forum on 9th and 10th June 2021 will be an official partner event of the EU Green Week. It will be linked to the EU Action Plan toward a Zero Pollution Ambition as a key action of the European Green Deal.

In this context, the aims of the Forum and the consolidated matchmaking are to:

  • demonstrate the high-level commitment of the European Commission and its Smart Cities and Communities initiatives to the promotion of zero pollution and smart cities
  • discuss the future of Smart (Sustainable) Cities and the Smart Cities Marketplace
  • share best practices and good examples from the wider Smart Cities Marketplace context
  • initiate a dialogue on how successful innovations and demonstrations can be adjusted to Zero Pollution contexts, and, vice versa.

The online event includes a public two-day conference with a mixture of high-level keynotes, plenaries and engaging workshop sessions to show that Smart Cities are a key factor regarding for example Clean Energy, the Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, the Renovation Wave and specific activities in Transport & Mobility as well as the digital solutions context.

Here you can register for the event.

Source: Smart Cities Marketplace Editor by Hanna Schäfer Countries / organization: EU Topic: Energy High Tech Regions and Networks Environment & Sustainability


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