StartseiteAktuellesBiological Research Centre (BRC)

Biological Research Centre (BRC)

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

Basic research in molecular, cellular and developmental biology in he field of genetics, biochemistry, enzymology, plant biology and biophysics. The interdisciplinary research activities are supported by central laboratories with facilities in DNA chip technology, protein analysis (MALDI-TOF) bioinformatics, DNA sequencing and synthesis. In addition to generation of novel knowledge, researchers are engaged by production of intellectual properties that can be used through a technology transfer company Szeged Biopolisz Innovation and Service Ltd. Participation in organized scientific postgradual training, higher education and work of the International Training Course. Publication of the scientific results. Closest possible cooperations with related institutes of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, universities, and other Hungarian and foreign research institutions. Methodological training of young scientists. The Biological Researh Center of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences gained the „Center of Excellence” title from the EU in 2000.

Members of the Biological Research Center

Adresse: Temesvári krt. 62 H-6726 Szeged Ungarn Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Ungarn Themen: Lebenswissenschaften
