StartseiteAktuellesCSB Zentrales Büro für Statistik - Lettland

CSB Zentrales Büro für Statistik - Lettland

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

According to the laws of the Republic of Latvia, Cabinet Regulations and the By-Laws of the Central Statistical Bureau, the CSB is a direct administration body subordinated to the Ministry of Economics and acting as the main performer and coordinator of the official statistical work in the country. The CSB is responsible for organization of the statistical work and authenticity of the data it has produced by summarizing the information obtained from respondents.

The overall purpose (mission) of Central Statistical Bureau is to provide domestic and foreign data users with timely, exact, complete, comprehensible, and internationally comparable statistical information on economical, demographic, social, and environmental phenomena and processes of Latvia by applying contemporary solutions of information technologies and the best experience in the branch.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Lettland Themen:
