StartseiteAktuellesEBC Estonian Biocentre

EBC Estonian Biocentre

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

The Estonian Biocentre (EBC) was established in 1986 by the decree of the government as a joint venture between Tartu University Tartu University and the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics to promote research and technological development (RTD) of gene and cell technologies in Estonia. The Estonian Biocentre functions as an independent public research institute reporting to the Ministry of Education. In research and graduate student training it is closely collaborating with the Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology of the University of Tartu.

The main research direction of the EBC lies in the field of molecular medicine and is linked to biotechnology. Several projects are carried out within the European Commission framework joint research projects scheme, classified as "precompetitive biotechnological research" although, of course, in the present-day biomedical research there is no real borderline between the basic research and seeking for the applications of its results. The EBC is governed by a 9-member Scientific Council comprising researchers from the EBC and outside and is advised by an international Advisory Board, currently consisting of 5 members from different countries.

Quelle: EBC Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Estland Themen:
