StartseiteAktuellesForschungs- und Entwicklungsrat - Estland

Forschungs- und Entwicklungsrat - Estland


The Research and Development Council advises the Government of the Republic in matters relating to research and development strategy, thereby directing the systematic development of the national research, development and innovation system.

The work of the Council is supported by two permanent committees that focus on the research and development policy and innovation policy. The committees are chaired by the Minister of Education and Research and the Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications, respectively, who submit a report to the Research and Development Council at least once a year on the results of the work of the committees, as well as their agendas for the upcoming period. Responsibility for facilitating the everyday work of the permanent committees lies with the policy advisers of the respective ministries. Ad hoc committees can be established to elaborate on specific tasks.

(Source: Erawatch)

Adresse: The Stenbock House, Rahukohtu 3 15161 Tallinn Estland Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Estland Themen:
