StartseiteAktuellesHKDTC Hong Kong Trade Development Council

HKDTC Hong Kong Trade Development Council


Each year, the HKTDC organises a broad spectrum of more than 330 trade fairs and promotional activities, 590 networking and outreach events, and receives some 640 trade missions, helping Hong Kong’s small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) connect with business clients and partners around the world.

The HKTDC responses to latest global and regional economic developments and policies to help Hong Kong SMEs capture new opportunities. With China’s Belt and Road Initiative presenting tremendous potential in new markets, the HKTDC provides Belt and Road related market intelligence and creates business platforms to help Hong Kong businesses navigate a world of new opportunities through Hong Kong.

Quelle: HKTDC Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: China Themen: Wirtschaft, Märkte
