StartseiteAktuellesIEO Spanisches Ozeanografisches Institut

IEO Spanisches Ozeanografisches Institut

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

The IEO (Instituto Español de Oceanografía) was created following Royal Decree of 17 April 1914. It is a public research body devoted to research into marine sciences, especially in terms of the scientific knowledge of oceans, sustainability of fisheries resources and the marine environment. IEO depends on the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, directly reporting to the Secretariat of State for Research.

IEO not only carries out basic and applied research, it also provides scientific and technological advice to the administrations on matters relating to oceanography and marine sciences. In fact, IEO is the government's research and advisory body in terms of sectoral fisheries policy. In addition, it is Spain's scientific and technological representative at most of the international forums and bodies related with the sea and its resources.

IEO is an independent body, with its own legal personality and assets, and has around 700 employees – 80 % of which are researchers and personnel supporting research.

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Spanien Themen: Geowissenschaften Infrastruktur Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit
