StartseiteAktuellesNATO Fellowship and sponsorship programmes

NATO Fellowship and sponsorship programmes

Fördereinrichtungen/ Kontaktstellen

The Science for Peace and Security (SPS) Programme offers grants for practical scientific and technical cooperation between scientists and experts from NATO member states, Partner and Mediterranean Dialogue countries on security-related issues in the fields of civil science, environment and technology.

NATO Countries Relations Section is the section, in NATO's Public Diplomacy Division, in charge of running information programmes in NATO member countries. These programmes include visits by opinion formers, politicians, academics and NGOs to NATO Headquarters and also the sponsoring of conferences and seminars.

Co-sponsorship for conferences, seminars, workshops and roundtables in Partner countries on security-related issues is available in the form of discretionary grants from NATO's Public Diplomacy Division. The aim is to promote the dissemination in Partner countries of reliable information on the role and policies of the Alliance and to generate open debate about security in the Euro-Atlantic area.

Quelle: NATO Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Global Themen:
