StartseiteAktuellesNSC Norwegisches Zentrum für Raumfahrt

NSC Norwegisches Zentrum für Raumfahrt


The Norwegian Space Centre (NSC) is a government agency under the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries. The NSC was established in 1987, when Norway became a member of the European Space Agency (ESA).

The NSC is responsible for organizing Norwegian space activities, particularly with respect to ESA and the EU, and for coordinating national space activities.

In accordance with governmental guidelines and in co-operation with and to benefit Norwegian industry, research, public-sector bodies and Norwegian interest in general, the objectives of the Norwegian Space Centre are to:

  • promote the development and coordination of Norwegian space activities, co-ordinate the Ministerial interests and needs within space activities,
  • prepare proposals for integrated long-term programmes for Norwegian space activities and submit these to the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Fisheries,
  • manage Norwegian Space Centre resources and efficiently distribute funding from the Norwegian State and other sources,
  • mind Norwegian interests in liaison with space sector organizations in other countries as well as international organizations and contribute to
  • coordinating Norwegian space activities with those elsewhere,
  • facilitate the meeting of user needs in the space sector.
Quelle: NSC Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Engineering und Produktion Förderung
