StartseiteAktuellesPBC Statistisches Büro der Republik Serbien

PBC Statistisches Büro der Republik Serbien

Allgemeine Landesinformationen

The Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia is specialized, professional organization within the public administration of the Republic of Serbia, performing expert tasks related to:

  • Adopting programs, organization and conducting of the statistical surveys, i.e. methodology creation;
  • Collecting, processing, statistical analysis and publishing of the statistical data;
  • Preparation and adopting of unique statistical standards;
  • Development, maintenance and usage of administrative and statistical registers of the Republic;
  • Establishing and maintenance of the system of national accounts;
  • Cooperation and expert coordination with bodies and organizations that are in charge of carrying out the statistical surveys;
  • Cooperation with international organizations so as to provide standardization and data comparability;
  • Data processing, with the aim of providing election results and referendum on the level of the Republic,
  • Other tasks stipulated by the law.
Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Serbien Themen:
