StartseiteAktuellesSASO Organisation für Normung, Metrologie und Qualität - Saudi-Arabien

SASO Organisation für Normung, Metrologie und Qualität - Saudi-Arabien


The Saudi Standards,Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) was established pursuant to Royal Decree No. M/10 dated 1992-03-03H (17/4/1972 G), as a body of judicial personality and with an independent budget.

A Board of Directors, headed by the Minister of Commerce and Industry and comprising representatives of the concerned Ministries in addition to representatives from private sectors concerned with standardization in the Kingdom, outlines the general policy of SASO. The said Board of Directors governs SASO affairs, lays down its policy and adopts all the procedures needed to ensure efficient performance of SASO assignments. The SASO Governor is responsible for implementing and following the Board of Directors' decisions, ensuring the proper progress of work in SASO and supervising all its technical and administrative departments, as well as its three Branch Offices in the Eastern, Western and Northern Regions.

Redaktion: von Miguel Krux Länder / Organisationen: Saudi-Arabien Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten

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