StartseiteAktuellesSchweden: IVA - The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

Schweden: IVA - The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences

The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA) is an independent academy whose mission is to promote the engineering and economic sciences and the advancement of business and industry for the benefit of society.

IVA has 1,300 elected Swedish and international members. They are decision-makers, experts and researchers from the private sector, academia and public administration. HM King Carl XVI Gustaf is the patron and participates in IVA’s activities.

Important components of IVA are the Business Executives Council, which has 200 member companies and organisations, the Industrial Research Committee, the Student Council and the regional networks: IVA North, IVA West and IVA South. IVA also runs a series of projects and arranges seminars throughout the country that are free-of-charge and open to all.
