The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of the Republic of Uzbekistan is responsible for improving the system of higher and secondary specialized vocational education in the country.
The main tasks of the ministry are:
- implementation of a unified state policy in the field of higher and secondary specialized vocational education aimed at training highly qualified personnel with high spiritual and moral qualities, capable of independent thinking, holding progressive methods and forms of organization of work in the current market conditions;
- development and improvement of the system of higher and secondary specialized vocational education in the country with the best international practices;
- ensuring compliance with the goals and objectives outlined the National Programme for Training in the field of higher and specialized secondary and vocational education;
- implementation of educational and pedagogical and scientific-methodical management, coordination of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the country, regardless of their departmental subordination and forms of ownership, ensuring that their requirements of state educational standards and other requirements to the level and content of education, the quality of professional training;
- study and ensuring that the demand for educational services by enterprises and organizations as well as citizens from existing and prospective directions of training in accordance with the priorities of socio-economic development of the country;
- implementation and effective use in the educational process of progressive forms of education, including distance learning, new teaching and information and communication technologies;
- organization development, translation and publication of textbooks and instructional literature in accordance with the concept of creating a new generation of textbooks for a system of continuing education;
- organization and improvement of the system of training, retraining and advanced training of teachers and specialists;
- organization of research work in higher education, improving its efficiency and widespread adoption of research results in practice, ensuring close cooperation between higher education, science and industry;
- monitoring the formation of income of higher education institutions from all sources, especially from the fee-contract form of education, and for their effective use.