StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenAcademy of Finland funded scientific research with 304 million euros in 2009

Academy of Finland funded scientific research with 304 million euros in 2009

The Academy of Finland provided a total of 304.2 million euros in funding for high-level scientific research and research projects that promote research careers.

In 2008, the figure was 287.2 million euros, and the money available for 2010 comes to about 314 million euros. The bulk, or 46 per cent, of Academy funding was awarded to research projects, while research programmes accounted for 10 per cent. The majority, or 80 per cent, of the funding awarded went to researchers working at universities. The Academy has four Research Councils, and the biggest sums of funding are awarded by the Research Council for Natural Sciences and Engineering.

The Academy’s Annual Report and a PowerPoint presentation of the figures will be available on the Academy’s website in early April.

Quelle: Academy of Finland: Newsletter March 2010 Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Finnland Themen: Förderung

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