StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenBericht des Norwegischen Forschungsrats: Strategy for International Cooperation 2010-2020

Bericht des Norwegischen Forschungsrats: Strategy for International Cooperation 2010-2020

Der englischsprachige Artikel berichtet über die neue "Stratgie internationaler Kooperation" des norwegischen Research Council und gibt einen verkürzten Überblick der wichtigsten Punkte, die Norwegen im Bereich internationaler Forschungskooperation anstrebt.

Earlier this year the Research Council of Norway launched its new "Strategy on international cooperation" for the period 2010-2020. An abridged English version highlighting the most important areas of focus and challenges is now available.

Through participation in international research cooperation, Norway seeks to:

  • help address global challenges to society;
  • enhance the quality and capacity of Norwegian research;
  • secure Norway access to international knowledge production;
  • boost the competitiveness of Norwegian trade and industry;
  • promote Norway as a leading research and innovation nation in selected research areas.

Action points designed to generate results

All of the Research Council's programmes and activities must now have clearly-defined objectives and plans for international cooperation. The Council will also encourage Norwegian participation in international programmes which address major common challenges or strengthen Norwegian research and knowledge-based trade and industry.

In terms of funding, the Research Council will develop financial instruments which support long-term cooperation between Norwegian institutions and corresponding institutions in other countries as well as stimulation measures to encourage Norwegian players to participate in international collaborative and competitive arenas. In addition, international cooperation and researcher mobility will be given greater weight in the assessment of grant proposals in the years to come.

Read more:
Read more about the International strategy
Transcending boundaries. Abridged version
International strategy 2010 - 2020 - the Research Council of Norway

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Förderung Infrastruktur

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