StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenEuropäische Kommssion stellt Schlüsselmaßnahmen für Energietechnologien vor

Europäische Kommssion stellt Schlüsselmaßnahmen für Energietechnologien vor

Die Europäische Kommission hat im Rahmen der aktuellen strategischen Planung für Energietechnologien (SET-Plan 2015) einen Katalog von Forschungs- und Entwicklungsmaßnahmen ("actions") vorgeschlagen. Der SET-Plan ist ein wesentliches strategisches Instrument in der europäischen Energiepolitik. Ziel des Plans ist die Entwicklung kohlenstoffarmer Technologien und die Verbesserung der europäischen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit. Im Laufe der nächsten Monate sollen aus den vorgestellten Maßnahmen konkrete Empfehlungen für Forschungs- und Innovationsprogramme und -aktivitäten auf europäischer, nationaler und regionaler Ebene abgeleitet werden.

Commission presents key research and innovation actions contributing to the Energy Union for all EU Member States

The European Commission presented today in Luxembourg the new Integrated Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET Plan). The SET Plan promotes research and innovation efforts across Europe by supporting technologies with the greatest impact on the EU's transformation to a low-carbon energy system. It promotes cooperation amongst EU countries, companies, research institutions, and the EU itself. The SET Plan is the first deliverable contributing to the the fifth dimension of the Energy Union strategy which is focused on research, innovation and competitiveness.

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, said "Research and innovation are essential in bringing about a fundamental transformation of our energy system. We've already doubled the budget for energy research in Horizon 2020 compared to the previous EU research and innovation funding programme. With this new impetus for the SET Plan agenda, we will help develop more innovative cost-effective solutions to build the Energy Union".

Miguel Arias Cañete, Commissioner for Climate Action and Energy, said: "Becoming the global leader in renewable energy, facilitating consumer participation and accelerating the progress to a smart energy system are at the very heart of our Energy Union strategy. The SET-plan is a major step towards achieving these research and innovation goals".

The new SET Plan proposes ten research and innovation actions to accelerate the energy system's transformation and create jobs and growth while ensuring the European Union's leadership in the development and deployment of low-carbon energy technologies. These actions will contribute to achieve the research and innovation objectives of the Energy Union: become the global leader in renewable energy, facilitate consumer participation and accelerate the progress to a smart energy system, develop and reinforce energy efficient systems, diversify and strengthen options for sustainable transport, drive ambition in carbon capture and storage deployment, and increase safety in the use of nuclear energy. The new SET Plan will also promote a better articulation of funding sources and greater access to risk-financing to support new innovations and bring novel technologies to market.

In the following months EU Member States and stakeholders shall translate these actions into specific recommendations for new research and innovation programmes and activities at European, national and regional level.

About SET Plan

The SET Plan has been a cornerstone of the EU's energy and climate policy since it was established in 2007. During this time it has provided a forum for exchange of information and knowledge between the Member States, industry and research community. It has been a mechanism which has mobilised national and EU resources around common objectives and encouraged cooperation between the Member States themselves, and between the Member States and the European Commission. The SET Plan has had a structuring effect on European and national research programmes and it triggered substantial investments in low-carbon technologies. The Energy Union established a new orientation and ambitious objectives for the new SET Plan.

Press contacts:

EC Spokesperson for Research, Science and Innovation

Quelle: Europäische Kommssion Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Energie Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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