StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenNorwegischer Forschungsrat richtet Sekretariat für das nationale Gesundheitsstrategie-Projekt HelseOmsorg21 ein

Norwegischer Forschungsrat richtet Sekretariat für das nationale Gesundheitsstrategie-Projekt HelseOmsorg21 ein

Die Entwicklung der nationalen Gesundheitsstrategie HelseOmsorg21 wurde vom norwegischen Ministerium für Gesundheit und Pflegeleistungen eingeleitet.

Work on developing the HelseOmsorg21 national strategy has been initiated by Norway's Ministry of Health and Care Services. The process will follow the model of other strategies in fields of national priority.

HelseOmsorg21 will be a strategy process as well as a forum for top leadership in the health and care services field, following the model of previous similar Norwegian processes for climate research (Klima21), oil and gas research (OG21) and marine research (HAV21), among others.

Strategy committee to submit its report in one year

The Ministry of Health and Care Services has appointed 15 members to the strategy committee, representing industry, universities and university colleges, hospitals and regional health authorities, user organisations, government administration and the Research Council of Norway. The committee will be headed by John-Arne Røttingen, former director of the Norwegian Knowledge Centre for the Health Services. Jesper Simonsen, Executive Director of the Division for Society and Health, will represent the Research Council in the committee.

The HelseOmsorg21 committee will deliver the new research and innovation strategy for the health and care services sector to the Ministry by June 2014.

Five thematic working groups

Five working groups have been appointed by the Strategy Committee to write the five sub-reports in the Health&Care21 strategy:

  • Industrial development and entrepreneurship
  • Research quality and internationalisation
  • Knowledge system
  • Municipalities
  • Global health challenges

The members of the working group are recruited from the relevant universities, colleges, institutes, user organisations, businesses and the authorities. Each group consists of 15-16 members.

The Strategic Forum on Health and Care Research and Innovation

A permanent dialogue forum, the Strategic Forum on Health and Care Research and Innovation, was established earlier this year. The Forum has the responsibility for the follow-up of the Health&Care21 strategy, and is chaired by Secretary General Bjørn-Inge Larsen from the Ministry of Health and Care Services.

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Lebenswissenschaften
