StartseiteAktuellesNachrichtenUniversitäten Mainz und Nagoya vereinbaren Austauschprogramm

Universitäten Mainz und Nagoya vereinbaren Austauschprogramm

Kooperationsabkommen ermöglicht Mainzer Physikstudenten Studium und Forschung in Japan

Universities in Mainz and Nagoya finalize exchange program for students and researchers in physics

Cooperation agreement enables Mainz University students in physics to do research and study in Japan

Two physics teaching degree students from Mainz will travel to Japan next year to study at the eminent School of Engineering of Nagoya University. This exchange has been made possible thanks to a cooperation agreement finalized between Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU) in Germany and the Japanese partner institution. In addition to the exchange of students and teaching staff, the agreement also relates to cooperation in the area of research, thus providing a formal basis for the already long-standing cooperation between the two universities in the field of theoretical physics.

Nagoya University was in the headlines recently when the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to three Japanese scientists, including Hiroshi Amano, professor at Nagoya University, and Isamu Akasaki, professor emeritus there. The primary objective of the cooperation is to increase mobility and scientific exchange; this is already being put into effect with the long-term scientific stay at JGU's Institute of Physics of Associate Professor Hideki Tomita and his Master's degree student Takahide Takamatsu, both from Nagoya University.

"The exchange program will now allow our students to gain experience abroad – not merely in Europe but at one of the foremost educational institutions in natural sciences, the School of Engineering of Nagoya University in Japan, members of which have received four Nobel prizes in physics and two in chemistry over the past few years. This is an absolutely wonderful development and it is notable that two teaching degree students will be the first to take advantage in the initial round of the program," explained Professor Klaus Wendt of the Institute of Physics at Mainz University, who helped pave the way for the agreement. 


Professor Klaus WendtQuantum/Larissa
Institute of Physics
Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU)
phone +49 6131 39-22882
fax +49 6131 39-23428
e-mail: klaus.wendt(at)

Quelle: Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz / IDW Nachrichten Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Japan Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen
