StartseiteAktuellesTermineSASAS 2014 - Jährliche Konferenz der Südafrikanischen Gesellschaft für Atmosphärenforschung

SASAS 2014 - Jährliche Konferenz der Südafrikanischen Gesellschaft für Atmosphärenforschung

Zeitraum: 02.10.2014 - 03.10.2014 Ort: Potchefstroom Land: Südafrika

The 30th Annual South African Society for Atmospheric Science Conference will be held 2nd and 3rd October 2014 at North-West University - Potchefstroom Campus. The main aim of SASAS is to stimulate interest and support for all branches of the atmospheric sciences in Southern Africa. This includes meteorology, climatology, climate change, radar meteorology, data management, air quality, land-ocean-atmosphere interaction, hydrology, physical oceanography, agrometeorology, numerical modelling, and instrumentation. The list is not exhaustive and the society is what members make of it.

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