StartseiteAktuellesTermineWorkshop zur Studie "VISION" zur Zukunft von Visualisierung und grafischer Simulation in Europa

Workshop zur Studie "VISION" zur Zukunft von Visualisierung und grafischer Simulation in Europa

Zeitraum: 04.12.2013 Ort: Brüssel Land: Belgien

The study VISION "VIsualisation SImulation and visual cOmputing techNologies: EU position and future potential" has been funded by the European Commission to deliver a study in the field of simulation, visualisation and visual computing to help the European Commission make informed decision on future coverage and approaches towards these fields within a future post 2013 EU Research and Innovation Programme (Horizon 2020).

The study has analysed and assessed the position of the EU research community industry and entrepreneurship analysing research and market potential, identifying potential key players that could be involved in future R&D priorities. 

The study is now leveraging on the community of stakeholders in EU, from both academia and industry in the domains of visualisation, simulation and visual computing to identify RTD priorities and recommendations for the next research framework Horizon 2020. 

The study is now collecting feedback on the following domains:

  • Multimodal and Natural Computer Interaction
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Digital content creation, creative industry, education and training
  • Societal challenges and policy making
  • Safety and Security

This event has been designed to attract senior representatives from industry and leading research institutions across the EU in the fields of computer graphics, visualisation, simulation and visual computing, and to engage them in the definition of recommendations for Horizon 2020.  The events will first introduce the results of the study through several keynote speakers and then it will, through a set of roundtables, collect feedback on the results of the study and in particular on the recommendations for research and innovation under Horizon 2020.

Quelle: CORDIS - Nachrichten Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Belgien EU Themen: sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten Information u. Kommunikation

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