StartseiteDokumenteInnovation Clusters in Europe - A Statistical Analysis and Overview of Current Policy Support

Innovation Clusters in Europe - A Statistical Analysis and Overview of Current Policy Support

Erscheinungsdatum: 2007

This report has been drafted by DG Enterprise and Industry, in cooperation with DG Research and DG Regional Policy, on the basis of activities under the PRO INNO Europe initiative and a High Level Advisory Group on clusters.

The report:

  • analyses on the basis of the best available data the presence of clusters in Europe and their role as drivers of innovation and economic growth. In this respect policy support to clusters is an integral part of the Growth and Jobs strategy;
  • describes national and regional approaches in support of clusters and identifies the main challenges still to be addressed to exploit their full potential;
  • presents the main Community instruments that are currently
    used in support of cluster policies of the Member States and regions.
Quelle: European Cluster Observatory Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Netzwerke Innovation

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