StartseiteDokumenteNiederlande: 2025 - Vision for Science choices for the future

Niederlande: 2025 - Vision for Science choices for the future

Erscheinungsdatum: Dezember 2014 Nationale Innovationsstrategien

This is a publication of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science of the Government of the Netherlands. This vision document was produced with the assistance of many organisations and individuals, including young researchers, established scientists, university boards, private sector representatives and members of the public.

In the science vision the Cabinet announces a National Science Agenda that will connect the various agendas that have been diverging up until now. The National Science Agenda will respond to the challenges that offer the Netherlands important societal as well as scientific opportunities and will provide a source of inspiration for new research programming throughout the Netherlands.

The report sets out the following ambitions of the government:

  • Dutch science is of worldwide significance.
  • Dutch science has even closer ties with society and the private sector; it has maximum impact.
  • Dutch science continues to be a breeding ground for top talent.
Quelle: Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture and Science Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Niederlande Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Innovation Förderung

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