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Südafrikas Nationale Weltraumstrategie

Erscheinungsdatum: April 2014

The South African Government recognises the potential role of space science and technology to deliver on a wide spectrum of our national priorities including job creation, poverty reduction, resource management and rural development. Given the relative importance and role of space technology in transforming our economic and social landscape, we need transforming strategies that could help leverage these assets to assist our nation in every facet of its economic and social

To date, South Africa has primarily been a consumer and a net importer of space technologies. There is a need to develop systems and sub-systems to support our requirements and to grow the local industry. In particular, we would like to see this technology platform deliver on a wide array of our national priorities relating to our socio-economic development.

Quelle: Department of Science and Technology of the Republic of South Africa Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Südafrika Themen: Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Engineering und Produktion Mobilität

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