StartseiteDokumenteUSA: Strategischer Plan 2016 der Nationalen Nanotechnologie Initiative

USA: Strategischer Plan 2016 der Nationalen Nanotechnologie Initiative

Erscheinungsdatum: 31.10.2016 Strategiedokumente

The National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) Strategic Plan 2016 satisfies the requirement of the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act of 2003 and replaces the prior NNI Strategic Plan released in February of 2014. This document represents a consensus among NNI agencies on the high-level goals and priorities of the initiative and on specific objectives to be pursued over at least the next three years. The plan provides the framework under which individual agencies conduct their own mission-specific nanotechnology programs, coordinate these activities with those of other NNI agencies, and collaborate.

National Nanotechnology Initiative is a U.S. Government research and development (R&D) initiative involving 20 departments and independent agencies working together.

Quelle: Nationale Nanotechnologie Initiative Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: USA Themen: Physik. u. chem. Techn. Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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