StartseiteDokumenteStrategiedokumenteJapan: Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation (Provisional Translation)

Japan: Comprehensive Strategy on Science, Technology and Innovation (Provisional Translation)

Erscheinungsdatum: 07.06.2013 Nationale Innovationsstrategien

The Japanese cabinet decided a longer term strategy for science, technology and innovation on 7 June 2013. The Comprehensive STI Strategy addresses five main priorities for the period up to 2030. The priorities concern focused policy challenges, structured around the following:  

1 Realisation of clean and economical energy system

2. Realisation of healthy and active ageing society

3. Development of next generation infrastructures

4. Regional revitalisation

5. Revitalisation from the Great East Japan Earthquake. 

Quelle: Cabinet Office, Governement of Japan Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Japan Themen: Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen
