StartseiteDokumenteStrategiedokumenteWhite paper on petroleum activities - 2010-2011 (Norwegen)

White paper on petroleum activities - 2010-2011 (Norwegen)

Erscheinungsdatum: Englische Übersetzung seit 27. Oktober 2011

The white paper on petroleum activities, entitled En næring for framtida – om petroleumvirksomheten (“An Industry for the Future – Norway’s Petroleum Activities”) states how critical research and expertise have been, and will be, for the petroleum sector. In the white paper, the Government gives priority to increased recovery from existing fields on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. It also considers establishing two new research centres on petroleum, one targeted at increased recovery and another focusing on the Arctic region.

Quelle: Ministry of Petroleum and Energy (Norway) Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Energie Wirtschaft, Märkte

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