StartseiteFörderungNachrichten"Grants for Grants"-Programm soll Teilnahme polnischer Forscher an EU-Ausschreibungen fördern

"Grants for Grants"-Programm soll Teilnahme polnischer Forscher an EU-Ausschreibungen fördern

Das polnische Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Hochschulwesen hat das Förderprogramm "Grants for Grants" neu aufgelegt, um nationale Wissenschaftler bei der Akquise von EU-Förderungen zu unterstützen. Die Förderung kann bis zu PLN 30.000 umfassen und soll bei EU-Ausschreibungen die Bewerbungskosten der Forscher abdecken.

Launch of the new edition of the Ministry of Science programme "Grants for Grants"

Scientific units can obtain up to PLN 30 thousand for activities related to the preparation of proposals for research programs of the European Union. Ministry of Science and Higher Education started recruitment in the "Grants for Grants" programme.

Grant money should help in the preparation of the application for EU funds. Support is addressed to scientific units intending to take on the role of coordinator in a planned project and create an international consortium. Scientific units can apply for funding to cover the costs of preparing the application.

"The researchers emphasized the role of the programme in applying for grants in the previous financial perspective. Now we are launching "Grants for Grants" in a slightly modified version. Researchers can obtain up to PLN 30 thousand. The funds are sufficient to prepare a good application" - believes the Minister for Science and Higher Education, Prof. Lena Kolarska-Bobińska.

"Grants for Grants" programme will help Polish units in the implementation of projects under Horizon 2020, the Research Fund for Coal and Steel, and Euratom. Research units can apply for both the funds for the preparation of a project proposal for the EU research program, and the reimbursement of costs already incurred in the preparation of the application.

The funds obtained in the project may be used for an additional survey concerning the subject of the application (e.g., state of knowledge survey), or in the preparation of the application (e.g., for hiring an outside company). The money can also be spent on participation in conferences, organization of business meetings (renting conference rooms).

According to the Ministry of Science release, "Grants for Grants" is yet another initiative of the Ministry aimed at activation and improving the effectiveness of Polish scientists in the acquisition of European grants.

Minister of Science proposed the researchers the "Pact for Horizon 2020", which provides for taking action not only at the ministry level, but also cooperating agencies, research institutes and universities. Special information website will also soon be launched, where users will find examples of correctly filled applications and other information useful in applying for funds from the Horizon 2020 program, in which nearly 80 billion euros will be distributed to researchers and businesses.

Details of the "Grants for Grants" programme are available at the Ministry of Science website.

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Förderung Bildung und Hochschulen

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