StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenNorwegen: Forschungsrat, Innovation Norwegen und Industrieentwicklungsgesellschaft unterzeichnen Abkommen zur Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung der Industrie

Norwegen: Forschungsrat, Innovation Norwegen und Industrieentwicklungsgesellschaft unterzeichnen Abkommen zur Forschungs- und Innovationsförderung der Industrie

Durch das Kooperationsabkommen zwischen den drei mit industrieorientierter Förderung befassten Einrichtungen soll sichergestellt werden, dass die Ergebnisse der Industrieforschung den gesellschaftlichen Nutzen erhöhen. Zusätzlich sollen norwegische Unternehmen einen leichteren Zugang zu Finanzierungsmodellen für Forschungs- und Innovationsmaßnahmen erhalten.

New collaboration agreement with Innovation Norway and SIVA

The agreement helps to ensure that the results of industry-oriented research are used to benefit society and to promote easy access for Norwegian companies to integrated funding schemes for research and innovation activities.

Close cooperation between the industry-oriented funding agencies within the research and innovation system is essential to providing effective, targeted forms of funding and ensuring that research results are put to good use. This is the basis for the collaboration agreement recently signed by the heads of the Research Council of Norway, Innovation Norway and the Industrial Development Corporation of Norway (SIVA). The agreement will run through 2018. The first collaboration agreement between the parties was signed in 2007.

"We are pleased to continue our close cooperation with Innovation Norway and SIVA," says Director General of the Research Council Arvid Hallén. "Through effective coordination and task distribution among ourselves, we will simplify the funding schemes available to trade and industry, make sure that research results reach relevant users and facilitate value creation based on the acquired knowledge."

Common, integrated approach

The agreement is targeted primarily towards creating a common, integrated approach to activities aimed at trade and industry. The three actors will also promote regional and international coordination and the development of a common knowledge base.

Our regional activities and the SkatteFUNN Tax Incentive Scheme show that the collaboration between the three organisations functions well already," says Mr Hallén. "The Research Council's regional representatives are located at the district offices of Innovation Norway. When it comes to the SkatteFUNN scheme, the Council and Innovation Norway share a common administrative system and collaborate on information activities and training measures. These are the types of activities we are seeking to strengthen and expand."

Enhancing international competitiveness

Collaboration in the international sphere is particularly important to achieving optimal benefits from Norway's participation under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

"The EU's research initiatives hold great potential for enhancing the competitiveness of Norwegian trade and industry internationally," the Director General points out. "Together with Innovation Norway and SIVA, we will take active steps in coming years to expand participation in Horizon 2020 activities among Norwegian companies and to facilitate participation in other international research and innovation programmes as well. We will also work hard to help companies to build networks and make the most of existing knowledge."

About the organisations:

  • The Research Council of Norway is a national strategic and funding agency for activities within all thematic fields of research, and a central adviser on research policy and research activities for the Norwegian Government, the central government administration and the overall research community.The Research Council's programmes and activities aimed at trade and industry cover all branches, from transport and food production to ICT and nanotechnology.
  • Innovation Norway is the Norwegian Government's instrument for innovation and development of Norwegian enterprises and industry. It supports companies in developing their competitive advantage and to enhance innovation.
  • Siva ' The Industrial Development Corporation of Norway is the governmental corporation and national instrument. Siva aims to develop strong regional and local industrial clusters through ownership in infrastructure, investment and knowledge networks as well as innovation centers.
Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Innovation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen Förderung

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