StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenNorwegischer Forschungsrat erhöht Budget für Teilnahme an Horizont 2020

Norwegischer Forschungsrat erhöht Budget für Teilnahme an Horizont 2020

Die Budgeterhöhung ist eine Maßnahme des norwegischen Forschungsrates um Norwegens Teilnahme an europäischen Forschungsprojekten zu intensivieren. Mit Hilfe von zwei Förderprogrammen soll die Etablierung und Positionierung Norwegens innerhalb von Horizont 2020 ausgeweitet und vertieft werden. Die Budgeterhöhung umfasst NOK 66,5 Millionen (rd. EUR 7 Millionen).

Bigger budgets and more measures to boost Norwegian participation in EU research

Making more funding available for project establishment and positioning activities and providing support to establish and operate EU networks are among the measures aimed to strengthen Norwegian participation in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation.

The Research Council has received a budget increase for 2015 to promote greater Norwegian participation in the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme. Two schemes targeting Horizon 2020 have been strengthened in particular: the STIM-EU stimulation scheme and the Project Establishment Support directed towards H2020 (PES2020) scheme. The Research Council expects further growth in the PES2020 scheme's budget in 2016.

"Our aim is to increase mobilisation across the board in Norwegian research. In addition, we are seeking to give activities in certain strategic areas an extra push," explains Kristin Danielsen, International Director at the Research Council. "One of our priority tasks is to enhance the visibility of, simplify and coordinate all Research Council support schemes targeting Horizon 2020."

Schemes to boost participation in EU research

Project Establishment Support

The Project Establishment Support directed towards H2020 (PES2020) scheme has an overall budget of NOK 60 million in 2015.

Support for positioning activities

In the context of Horizon 2020, positioning activities involve increasing visibility, attracting the attention of and becoming a sought-after partner for top European research groups. Positioning activities are intended to enhance the ability of Norwegian actors to succeed under Horizon 2020. In 2015, the Research Council will be announcing NOK 5 million in funding for strategic positioning activities in areas not covered in funding announcements under its other programmes. A further NOK 1.5 million in funding for positioning activities will be announced for Norwegian research groups seeking to become part of existing Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KIC) under the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).

Support for establishment of EU networks

In 2015, the Research Council will be announcing funding for the establishment of up to four new Norwegian EU networks to increase mobilisation and participation in Horizon 2020.

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: EU Norwegen Themen: Förderung

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