StartseiteFörderungNachrichtenPolen: Neues Finanzierungssystem für Forschung und Wissenschaft ab 2015

Polen: Neues Finanzierungssystem für Forschung und Wissenschaft ab 2015

In Polen gibt es seit Jahresbeginn ein neues Finanzierungsystem für Forschung und Wissenschaft. Seit 2015 ist die Höhe der Förderung abhängig von der Qualität der Forschung und der wissenschaftlichen Kategorie, die Forschungsinstituten und Universtitäten zugewiesen wird. Die Neuerung ist Teil des im Sommer 2014 in Kraft getretenen Hochschulgesetzes und wird schrittweise bis 2017 umgesetzt werden.

The system of financing research units changes in 2015

In 2015, the system of financing of scientific units changes to allow the best of them to obtain the most money. Universities will prepare the rules for validating skills acquired outside the university, for example in the case of mature adults who begin studies.

Since the beginning of the year, the Minister of Science and Higher Education regulation introducing changes in the system of financing research units is in force. According the regulation removes the so-called "transferred constant", i.e. the amount of funding from the state budget "moved" from the previous year. As of 2015, the money awarded to the Polish Academy of Sciences institutes, research institutes and university faculties in the so-called statutory grants will depend mainly on the quality of research and granted scientific categories: A +, A, B or C. The amount of the grant should reward actual scientific achievements and quality of research.

The new financing system will be implemented gradually. During the transition period - until 2017 - thresholds will be introduced to prevent excessive drop in subsidies, or a disproportionate increase. From year to year, the thresholds will change.

The changes that await universities and research units in 2015 are also a result of the amendment to the Law on Higher Education, signed in August 2014 by President Bronisław Komorowski.

According to the amended Law on Higher Education, university may exempt from the student from up to half of the subjects, if he or she can demonstrate having the required skills or knowledge. Therefore, by June 30, 2015 university senates must develop rules, conditions and procedures for verifying the learning outcomes and the procedure for appointment and activity of the verifying commissions. The solution is designed to encourage mature people to study.

Universities will have more time for dividing studies into general academic and practical profile courses. This solution is also introduced by the amended Law on Higher Education. According to the Ministry of Science, program of general academic studies should be associated with the research carried out at the university. At practical studies, most time should be devoted to the development of competencies and skills. For this reason, students of practical courses will be required to complete three months of practices. In the case of academic profile, students should be involved in research at the university. Profiles and study programs at undergraduate courses must be adapted to the new requirements by the end of 2016, at postgraduate and uniform master's - by the end of 2017.

Currently, the amendment of the Law on the Principles of Financing Science is still waiting for the signature of the President. The provisions of the amendment will benefit, among others, young researchers who must meet the condition of age below 35 when applying for funding. Now this period may be extended by the time in which the scientist was, for example, on parental leave, or received a sickness benefit in relation to the long-term incapacity for work. The total time of such breaks may not exceed two years.

After signing the amendment of the Law on the Principles of Financing Science, changes will also affect the system POL-on. So far, it contained information on higher education, and now it be expanded with data on research units. It will take into account, inter alia, scientific achievements of units, obtained patents, organized conferences, published journals, research laboratories, research projects, implemented quality systems. Access to most of these data will be open and public.

The amendment of the Law on the Principles of Financing Science will also change the rules concerning granting money for the dissemination and promotion of knowledge and scientific achievements. Publishers of journals, including universities and research institutions that provide online access to published content, may obtain funds for creating English-language versions of the publications and participation of foreign reviewers in the evaluation of publication. Funds for science dissemination activities can also be awarded to scientific libraries that are not part of the research units.

In 2015, inter-ministry work will also continue on the possibility of f state funding of study abroad for outstanding students, announced by the Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz in her expose. Such a possibility would exist as o 2016, but under the condition that each of the subsidised students would work in Poland work for at least five years after returning from college.

Quelle: Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Polen Themen: Bildung und Hochschulen Förderung Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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