StartseiteLänderAfrikaAfrika: Weitere LänderInfosession zum MeerWissen-Förderaufruf für deutsch-afrikanische Partnerschaften zu naturbasierten Lösungen für Küsten und Meere

Infosession zum MeerWissen-Förderaufruf für deutsch-afrikanische Partnerschaften zu naturbasierten Lösungen für Küsten und Meere

Zeitraum: 20.10.2021 Ort: online

MeerWissen is an initiative of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) that seeks to provide policy-makers with the scientific information they need to take profound decisions for the effective management and conservation of Africa’s ocean and coasts.  With the 3rd Call for Proposals the MeerWissen Initiative seeks to support partnership projects between African and German research and scientific organisations, that contribute to strengthening the knowledge base for marine and coastal Nature-based Solutions in Africa.

The African partners must be based in one of the following partner countries of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development: Algeria, Benin, Côte d’Ivoire, Egypt, Ghana, Madagascar, Mauritania, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, and Tunisia.

The virtual event informs participants about the MeerWissen funding programme, the 3rd Call for Proposals on Nature-based Solutions and the guidelines for Co-designing joint marine research projects in a dedicated Co-design phase prior to project implementation.

The event is jointly organised by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), which hosts the MeerWissen Secretariat.

Quelle: MeerWissen Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Ägypten Algerien Benin Côte d'Ivoire Ghana Madagaskar Marokko Mauretanien Mosambik Namibia Nigeria Senegal Somalia Südafrika Sudan Tansania Togo Tunesien Themen: Förderung Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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