StartseiteLänderAsienIsraelDIP - Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation - 14th Call for Project Proposals

DIP - Deutsch-Israelische Projektkooperation - 14th Call for Project Proposals

Stichtag: 31.03.2010 Sonstige Ausschreibungen

1. Project Funding
Participant institutions in Israel are invited to submit proposals which may come from all fields of science and research. Proposals shall be so designed as to be carried out in close cooperation between the Israeli and the German project partners. They must contain a description of the joint work plan for both, the Israeli and the German side. The quality of the research work and the strength of the scientific cooperation including the exchange of scientists, in particular young researchers (PhDs/Postdocs), are the main criteria for the review and selection. Principal investigators on both sides need to have adequate working conditions over the full period of the project.

2. Eligibility and Deadline
Eligible for the submission of proposals are:

  • Bar-Ilan University
  • Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
  • The University of Haifa
  • The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Tel Aviv University
  • Technion - The Israel Institute of Technology
  • Weizmann Institute of Science

Each of these institutions is entitled to submit two proposals. The Research Authorities of these institutions are responsible for the internal selection process and for the formal correctness of the final submission. The deadline for the submission of the full proposals to the DFG within the 14th call is 31 March 2010.

3. Duration of Projects
In all submissions the research shall be planned for a period of five years.

4. Budget
The financial plan must state the institutional resources available to the project on both sides and identify the additional needs. The total budget requested for the Israeli and the German partners may amount to a total of 1,655,000 EUR for a maximum duration of five years.

Funding may include running costs (staff, materials, travel) and instrumentation. The equipment must be advanced and highly specialised and specifically needed for the conduct of the project and not of a general kind for basic needs of the institute.
If a project comprises several groups on both or either sides a financial plan has to be drawn up for each group individually.
In each project the share between the Israeli and the German partners can be freely negotiated. Normally it should be around 50:50 percent. The German partner's contribution, however, should not be below 30 percent for the five year period.
Industrial partners participate at their own expense.

5. Key Dates
Deadline for submission: 31 March 2010
Review of proposals: until September 2010
Decision by DFG and notification: December 2010
Beginning of granted projects: 1 January 2011

Weiterführende Informationen

For additional information on the DFG see DFG-website (English):

The "Guidelines for the Submission of Proposals in the DIP Programme" and  the general "Guidelines and Proposal Instructions" (form 1.02e) can be found under: and

Title page for application:

Financial plan for the overall project:

Contact persons
Christoph Mühlberg
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
International Affairs
Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn, Germany
Phone +49 228 885-2347
Fax +49 228 885-2820

Ute Stotz
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)
International Affairs
Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn, Germany
Phone +49 228 885-2429
Fax +49 228 885-2820

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Deutschland Israel Themen: Förderung

Weitere Informationen
