StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Baltische LänderERA-NET MARTEC II: Ausschreibung 2015

ERA-NET MARTEC II: Ausschreibung 2015

Stichtag: 29.04.2015 Programmausschreibungen

Die Ausschreibung für 2015 erfolgt gemeinsam durch Fördereinrichtungen aus sieben Partnerländern des ERA-NET MARTEC II. Ziel des Netzwerkes ist es, nationale, regionale und europäische Programme für Forschung und Innovation im Bereich der maritimen Technologien zu koordinieren und zu integrieren, um die internationale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der maritimen und marinen Industrie in Europa zu stärken. Die Förderung der Projekte erfolgt dezentral aus den nationalen und regionalen Programmen der teilnehmenden Fördereinrichtungen mit einer maximalen Laufzeit von bis zu 36 Monaten.

MARTEC opened a transnational call for collaborative research projects in different areas of maritime technologies (deadline: 29.04.2015). This call is initiated by funding organisations from 7 different European partner countries (Belarus, Germany, France, Lithuania, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom) of the former ERA-NET MARTEC consortium.

After submission of the proposals via the MARTEC web page, the proposals will be assessed by national evaluations or eligibility checks. Each country has own national maritime programmes and the financial support for the projects will be awarded by the national funding organisations. Priority for funding will be given for projects which include at least one independent industrial participant from each involved country. Entities like universities or research centers are very welcome as project partners. They can apply for funding as well (if supported by national regulations). Only projects, which receive funds from at least two countries, will be supported.

The full-proposal form has to be completed in English and requires some project information (e.g. project summary, brief project description, state of the art in R&D, technological foreseen, etc.) The full-proposal form can be downloaded from the MARTEC website. Registered project coordinators have to upload the completed form to the MARTEC website. It has to be submitted at the latest on the 29th April 2015 (17:00 CET).

In the participating partner countries there are specific regulations which are individual according to their national funding rules and only related to potential applicants from the respective countries. The call will be published within a limited time period in all involved countries (19th December 2014 – 29th April 2015). Please consult your national contact person for further details.

Contact - Germany

Mrs. Filiz Aslan (JÜLICH)
Email: f.aslan(at)
Phone: +49 30 20199-554

For national contact persons in the other European partner countries see link on top.

Quelle: MARTEC ERA-Net Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Litauen Norwegen Polen Weißrussland Themen: Förderung Engineering und Produktion Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit Geowissenschaften

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