StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Baltische LänderSPIN Newsletter #8 - January 2012: SPIN Strategic Actions for decision makers

SPIN Newsletter #8 - January 2012: SPIN Strategic Actions for decision makers

How to improve the framework conditions for innovations for sustainable production for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR)?

SPIN recommends Strategic Actions that should be taken by European and national policy makers, authorities, financing institutions, business networks and associations. This newsletter includes:

  • Short review of the SPIN Transnational Forum at POLEKO on 22 November 2011 in Poznan
  • Summary of the SPIN Strategic Actions in the fields:
    - Increasing awareness and competences of SMEs
    - Access to finance for sustainable innovations
    - Support market transformation and the uptake of sustainable innovations 

The Newsletter can also be found on the SPIN Website (SPIN Newsletter). You are also cordially invited to surf our website in order to learn more about our project and more generally about innovations supporting sustainable production.

SPIN aims at enhancing “Sustainable Production through Innovation in SMEs” and is supported by the BSR Programme 2007-2013. With this publication we want to inform all those, who are interested in this topic, about the work of our project.

Enjoy reading the newsletter. SPIN wishes you a successful year 2012!

Ms Janka Clauder
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety
email: janka.clauder(at) 

Mr André Greif
Project Management Jülich (PtJ)
email: a.greif(at) 

Quelle: SPIN Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Dänemark Estland Finnland Lettland Litauen Polen Schweden Deutschland Themen: Innovation Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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