StartseiteLänderEuropaNiederlandeCall for Proposals: Pilot for Transnational Cooperation of STW and DFG Chemistry

Call for Proposals: Pilot for Transnational Cooperation of STW and DFG Chemistry

Stichtag: Letters of intent can be submitted as from January 1st 2011 Programmausschreibungen

No. 71
20 December 2010

We are pleased to announce that the Technology Foundation STW and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) will start a pilot where German and Dutch researchers can submit transnational proposals to DFG or STW and have them reviewed according to the “lead agency procedure”.

STW and DFG’s division of Chemistry and Process Engineering have agreed to stimulate transnational cooperation for a certain period and to apply the lead agency procedure for the handling of research proposals.

This means that transnational collaboration proposals will undergo only one review and decision procedure, i.e. the procedures of the research council that “has the lead”. This can be either DFG or STW. The advantage of this lead agency procedure is a simplification of the decision process and a general reduction of the peer reviewers’ burden.

Researchers who are eligible to apply either to STW’s Open Technology Programme (OTP) or to DFG can apply. Applicants may request funding according to the existing STW’s Open Technology Programme rules and general funding conditions or the DFG’s rules and general funding conditions.

For Dutch applicants the scientific part of their project does not need to be limited to chemistry or process engineering but may cover the whole range of research that normally qualifies for OTP funding. As usual knowledge transfer between academic researchers and users (often from industry) should be an essential part of the project.

For German applicants, their part of the research project should comply with the working area of the division of Chemistry and Process Engineering of the DFG.

For all applications the added value of the international collaboration must be evident as the added value of transnational collaboration will be a crucial item for evaluation.

The pilot period for the STW/DFG cooperation will start on 1 January 2011 and will end on 30 June 2011, although this period can be shortened, after which the regular review procedures will be followed (contact the office or check this webpage regularly). After this period STW and DFG will evaluate the pilot and reflect on possibilities for continuation.

For this pilot there is a two-stage procedure. Researchers who want to submit to this pilot first need to send a letter of intent (maximum 2 pages) describing the general project plan, utilisation paragraph for the Dutch workpackage, the added value of the collaboration and a separated overview of the Dutch and German budgets. After receipt of the letter of intent, on the basis of the provided material STW and DFG will decide, if applicants are eligible to submit a full proposal and which agency will have the lead.

Letters of intent can be submitted by email as from 1 January 2011 to one of the contacts mentioned below at STW or DFG.

Further information

Call on STW web: 
Further information on the DFG division of Chemistry and Process Engineering at:  

For further details please contact:
at STW: Dr. Paul Schuddeboom, Tel. +31 30 6001-269, p.schuddeboom(at) 
at DFG: Dr.-Ing. Georg Bechtold, Tel. +49 228 885-2818, georg.bechtold(at)

Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Niederlande Themen: Physik. u. chem. Techn. Förderung Engineering und Produktion
