StartseiteLänderEuropaNorwegenNorwegische Klimaforschung wird einer Evaluation unterzogen

Norwegische Klimaforschung wird einer Evaluation unterzogen

Der englischsprachige Artikel des Norwegischen Forschungsrats berichtet über die von ihm initiierte Evaluation der norwegischen Klimaforschung im internationalen Kontext; die letzte Auswertung dieser Art wurde im 1996 durchgeführt.

The Research Council of Norway is currently conducting a detailed evaluation of Norwegian climate research. The outcome will provide key insights into how to make good research even better in the future.

"The last evaluation of Norwegian climate research was carried out in 1996. Since that time, the research community has expanded widely and various new centres have emerged, the International Polar Year has been concluded, and the Research Council's Large-scale Programme on Climate Change and Impacts in Norway (NORKLIMA) has been established," says Camilla Schreiner, Director of the Department for Climate and Polar Research.

"Now we need an updated picture that highlights Norway's position in the international landscape. The evaluation will also offer recommendations on organisation and priorities to ensure that Norwegian research can address future climate challenges and societal needs as actively as possible."

World-class research now and in the future

"We expect the evaluation to confirm that excellent work is being done in many areas of Norwegian climate research. But the main purpose is to help us to become even better and to set the right priorities for the future," Ms Schreiner continues.

The mandate states that the evaluation is to assess scientific quality and capacity, strategic focus, communication, cooperation, synergies, and the relevance of Norwegian climate research to society.

One of the tasks of the committee will be to assess the Research Council's role in climate research activities.

The NORKLIMA programme, now in its final phase and scheduled for conclusion in 2013, will be a primary focus of the evaluation. Norwegian activity within the framework of the International Polar Year will be another key aspect of the evaluation.

"The Research Council's strategy and priorities must be based on a sound understanding. This is why the evaluation is so crucial," Ms Schreiner emphasises.

Committee and secretariat

The evaluation committee is headed by Professor Emeritus Thomas Rosswall. The other eight members are:

  • Gordon McBean, Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada
  • Bob Dickson, Professor Emeritus, CEFAS Lowestoft Laboratory, England
  • Eigil Friis-Christensen, Professor, National Space Institute, Denmark
  • Sanna Sorvari, Ph.D., University of Helsinki, Finland
  • Harold Mooney, Professor, Stanford University, USA
  • Katarina Eckerberg, Professor, Umeå University, Sweden
  • Joyeeta Gupta, Professor, Vrije University, The Netherlands
  • Michelle Colley, Risk Manager, Acclimatise North America, USA

The secretariat for the committee is located at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU) and is headed by Senior Researcher Antje Klitkou.

Input from the research communities

A formal invitation to participate in the evaluation has been sent to the research communities, in which they are asked to complete a form with information about their size, sources of funding and thematic focus, among other things. The submission deadline is 19 September.

The information provided will be used as the basis for inviting a selection of the research communities to participate in an in-depth evaluation. During this phase they will complete an internal evaluation, which must be submitted in early November. In December they will take part in consultative meetings with the evaluation committee.

Download: Evaluation of climate research. Mandate (PDF-42.1 KB)

Quelle: The Research Council of Norway Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Norwegen Themen: Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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