StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Britischer Wettbewerb für automatische Cyber-Abwehrsysteme

Britischer Wettbewerb für automatische Cyber-Abwehrsysteme

Stichtag: 23.10.2014 Innovationswettbewerbe

Mit dem Wettbewerb für automatische Cyber-Abwehrsysteme ruft das britische Zentrum für Unternehmenssicherheit zur Einreichung von Vorschlägen auf. Bis zum 23. Oktober können Bewerber Ideen für neue, innovative Techniken der Cybersicherheit einreichen, die künftig das britische Verteidigungsministerium gegen digitale Bedrohungen schützen sollen. Das beste Projekt wird mit insgesamt £2 Millionen gefördert.

The Defence Science and Technology Laboratory’s Centre for Defence Enterprise is looking for ideas to automate cyber defence responses. The automating cyber defence responses competition is looking for proof-of-concept research proposals for tools and techniques that support the planning and carrying out of automated responses to threats to Ministry of Defence (MOD) systems. An automated cyber defence response includes collecting information, identifying the attack, analysing potential courses of action and then responding.

The total funding available for this competition is £2 million, to be split equally over 2 phases each worth £1 million. The phase 1 competition will be launched at a Centre for Defence Enterprise (CDE) event in London on 9 September 2014. Phase 2 funding will then be awarded on a per-project basis to the most successful outputs of phase 1 funded projects.

Successful solutions may be integrated into an international collaboration (Australia, Canada, UK, US and New Zealand) on automated cyber defence response. This collaboration will be based around a Common Integration Framework (CIF) that will be used to explore, develop, and test new concepts of operation for dynamic defence and response to cyber-attacks.

The competition will be launched at an Innovation Network event held in London on 9 September. The event is open to industry and academia who wish to find out more about the automating cyber defence responses competition, and to those who wish to network with technical and military experts and discuss ideas which could benefit the UK’s defence and security.

Registration for this event is now open and further information on the automating cyber defence responses competition is available. The automating cyber defence responses competition closes on 23 October 2014.


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Quelle: Government of the United Kingdom - Announcements Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Sicherheitsforschung Förderung
