StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Open Research Area Plus für die Sozialwissenschaften

Open Research Area Plus für die Sozialwissenschaften

Stichtag: 15.02.2013 Programmausschreibungen

The Open Research Area (ORA) partners reached an agreement to open up the third call to researchers from the United States. Through this expansion, thousands of new researchers will be available for cooperation in ORA applications, offering interesting opportunities to cooperate on a wider scale.

The ORA partners Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR, France), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, Germany), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC, UK) and the Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO, Netherlands) reached an agreement to open up – as a pilot – the third call to researchers from the United States, in cooperation with the National Science Foundation (NSF, USA). Through this expansion, thousands of new researchers will be available for cooperation in ORA applications, offering interesting opportunities to cooperate on a wider scale.

In order to strengthen international cooperation in the field of social sciences, wishing to fund high quality scientific research within their own countries, and conscious that some of the best research can be delivered by working with the best researchers internationally, ANR, DFG, ESRC and NWO are launching a third common call for proposals in order to fund the best joint research projects in social sciences. The current partners (ANR, DFG, ESRC, NWO) in ORA are delighted to be able to welcome the National Science Foundation (NSF) to the 2012/2013 round of the scheme, allowing US researchers to collaborate in ORA projects. The scheme will provide funding for integrated projects by researchers coming from at least three of the five participating countries – in any combination of three or more countries.

Unlike previous rounds, ORA will not accept applications for proposals from only two countries. In this pilot phase of ORA Plus, this is necessary to manage demand for what is already a very popular scheme, and ensure proposals can be assessed in a reasonably timely fashion. The partner organisations will conduct a coordinated peer review and a single common selection process. Funding will be distributed among the partners according to the place of work of the researchers, and generally according to the funding rules of each individual agency (with some exceptions detailed below).

Within the framework of this call, the disciplinary coverage may vary according to the involvement of the national agencies. Proposals may be submitted in any area of the social sciences. Applicants who are uncertain of whether their proposal would be eligible should contact the relevant national agencies for clarification.

Deadline for the submission of proposals: 15 February 2013 until 12.00 PM CET (midday) (11 AM GMT, 6 AM EST, 3 AM PST)
Only complete and timely submitted applications will be considered.


France, ANR:
Pierre-Olivier Pin, phone: +33 1 78 09 80 83,

Germany, DFG:
Christiane Joerk, phone: +49 228 885-2451, christiane.joerk(at)

The Netherlands, NWO:
Carlien Hillebrink, phone: +31 70 349-4311, c.hillebrink(at)

United Kingdom, ESRC:
Alexa Mills, phone: +44 1793 413159, ora(at)

United States, NSF:
Elizabeth Tran, phone: +1 703 292-5338, etran(at)

Quelle: DFG Informationen für die Wissenschaft Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Niederlande USA Themen: Geistes- und Sozialwiss. Fachkräfte Förderung

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