StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Vorankündigung: Aufruf 2017 des Open Research Area in Europe (ORA) für die Sozialwissenschaften

Vorankündigung: Aufruf 2017 des Open Research Area in Europe (ORA) für die Sozialwissenschaften

Stichtag: 05.07.2017 Programmausschreibungen

Zur internationalen Vernetzung der Sozialwissenschaften werden Fördereinrichtungen aus Frankreich, Deutschland, Großbritannien und den Niederlanden Ende April 2017 zum fünften Mal eine gemeinsame Ausschreibung veröffentlichen. Gefördert werden Projekte aus allen Bereichen der Sozialwissenschaft, an denen Forscherinnen und Forscher aus mindestens zwei der teilnehmenden Staaten beteiligt sind - ausgeschlossen sind jedoch bilaterale deutsch-französische Anträge.

The partners for the Open Research Area in Europe (ORA) are pleased to announce their fifth joint call for proposals due to open spring 2017.

Similar to the previous call, four European funding organisations participate in the fifth ORA call:

  • Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR, France
  • German Research Foundation DFG, Germany
  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, Netherlands
  • Economic and Social Research Council, United Kingdom.

Proposals will be accepted for research projects in any area of the social sciences involving researchers from any combination of two or more of the participating countries (excluding bilateral applications from French-German teams).

In this call, JSPS, the Japanese core national funding organisation, will again collaborate with ORA as an associate partner. Applicants to the ORA call are encouraged to seek partnerships with Japanese researchers. JSPS will open a specific call for Japanese researchers. Japanese projects associated with the ORA proposals will be encouraged to submit proposals to this call for funding. Further information will be provided with the upcoming call for proposals.

In 2016, the ORA scheme underwent a programme evaluation. According to the results, ORA remains a very popular scheme, and the partners will implement measures to manage demand. The upcoming call, therefore, will introduce a procedural change and follow a two-stage procedure consisting of an outline proposal and a full proposal. Only after positive review of the outline proposal are applicants allowed to submit a full proposal.

The call for proposals will be published by the end of April on the websites of the participating funding organisations. The closing date for outline proposals is 5 July 2017. For the fifth ORA call, the DFG will be the lead agency.

Further information:

If you have any further questions, please contact:

Germany, DFG:
Christiane Joerk
Phone: +49 228 885-2451
E-Mail: christiane.joerk(at)

Sigrid Claßen
Phone: +49 228 885-2209
E-Mail: sigrid.classen(at)

France, ANR:
Pierre-Olivier Pin
Phone: +33 1 78 09 80 83

Xavier Engels
Phone: +33 1 78 09 82 46
E-Mail: xavier.engels(at)

The Netherlands, NWO:
Anne Cukier
Phone: +31 70 344 0503
E-Mail: ora(at)

United Kingdom, ESRC:
Helen Hunt
Phone: +44 1793413 107
E-Mail: helen.hunt(at), ora(at)

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Niederlande Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Japan Themen: Förderung Geistes- und Sozialwiss.

Weitere Informationen
