The EU-Japan Centre for Industrial Cooperation proposes a 6 month in-house fellowship scheme in Japan, designed to support its research and policy analysis of EU-Japan economic and industrial issues. The Research Fellow undertakes research work on a selected priority topic of the Centre, which should [...] Wind energy in Japan: technological cooperation and business potential for European Companies Opportunities for venture firms, universities, and research institutes in the EU to conduct knowledge transfer with Japanese counterparts in nine digital technology areas Blockchain in Japan.
Das Treffen der G7-Wissenschaftsministerinnen und -minister fand vom 12. bis zum 14. Mai 2023 in Sendai City (Japan) statt. In ihrer gemeinsamen Abschlusserklärung hielten die Minsterinnen und Minister die Position der G7 zu folgenden Themen fest: Respekt von Freiheit und Inklusion in der wissenschaftlichen
Das Treffen der G7-Bildungsministerinnen und -minister fand vom 12. bis 15. 2023 Mai in Toyama und Kanazawa (Japan) statt. Übergreifendes Thema des Treffens war „Bildung nach der COVID-19 Pandemie“. Die gemeinsame Abschlusserklärung der Ministerinnen und Minister legt die Position der G7 unter anderem [...] für Lernende, sich an soziale Veränderungen und globale Herausforderungen anzupassen; Neue Werte schaffen: die Rolle von internationalem Austausch. Japan knüpft mit dem Treffen an Ergebnisse des eigenen Vorsitzes aus dem Jahr 2016 an. Künftig sollen die Treffen jährlich im Rahmen der jeweiligen Präsi
Der Global Innovation Index (GII) untersucht die Volkswirtschaften der Welt bezüglich ihrer Innovationsfähigkeit anhand von rund 80 Indikatoren und stellt diese vergleichend dar. Begleitend zum GII fa
Die japanische Bio-Strategie 2024 hat das Ziel, Japan bis 2030 zu einer „hochmodernen Bioökonomie-Gesellschaft“ zu machen. Zur Intensivierung der bisherigen Bemühungen hat die japanische Regierung nun eine eigene Bioökonomie-Strategie erarbeitet. Diese zielt auf eine bessere Erschließung der Bioökon
Das Länderprofil von GATE Germany , Konsortium internationales Hochschulmarketing, bietet deutschen Hochschulen und Bildungs- und Forschungseinrichtungen wichtige Hintergrundinformationen zum ausgewäh
Through quantum technology (QT) Japan aims to realize the transformation of society as a whole to create growth opportunities for Japanese industry, and to solve social issues such as carbon neutrality. This vision of future society and strategies can be summarized by three basic concepts: Create op [...] revitalization of industries and startups using QT Linked is the English summary in the form of a presentation. The full version of the strategy in Japanese can be found here .
aims. Firstly, it hopes to grasp what is happening with respect to the research exchanges that are undertaken annually between foreign nations and Japan’s universities, its colleges of technology and its incorporated administrative agencies, etc. Secondly, from the results thus obtained, MEXT hopes to
The Japanese cabinet decided a longer term strategy for science, technology and innovation on 7 June 2013. The Comprehensive STI Strategy addresses five main priorities for the period up to 2030. The priorities concern focused policy challenges, structured around the following: 1 Realisation of clean [...] healthy and active ageing society 3. Development of next generation infrastructures 4. Regional revitalisation 5. Revitalisation from the Great East Japan Earthquake.
s, the 4th Basic Plan aims to provide basic policies for comprehensive and systematic promotion of Japan's S&T policies by widely recognizing the "New Growth Strategy - Blueprint for Revitalizing Japan," formulated in June 2010 as a 5-year national strategy on S&T with an eye to the coming decade, deepening [...] Science and Technology Basic Plan ("Basic Plan"), consisting of 3 5-year terms (15 years total), was formulated to ensure steady promotion of S&T in Japan. However, it cannot be denied that the S&T policies have been implemented mainly to promote S&T independently, not in organic coordination with essential [...] the first acknowledgement of "Creation of innovation" by law, i.e., the 2008 Research and Development Enhancement Law, there is increasing need in Japan for the government to make an all-out effort to strongly and strategically promote S&T policies by integrating innovation policies, and tying S&T policies