und Qualifikation veröffentlicht Grünbuch mit Reformen für Hochschulen und Forschungsförderung Wellcome Trust stockt britisches Förderbudget auf ItalienItalien startet Programm zur Förderung des Unternehmertums von Frauen und jungen Menschen Japan Hälfte der staatlichen Universitäten in Japan planen S
Choice and Aspiration - New careers education strategy published Financial services supported by launch of new knowledge sharing network Italien Technologieatlas Italien 2009 Japan Wenige Wissenschaftlerinnen in Japan Neuer Forschungsfonds für Spitzenforschung Kanada Health Research Roadmap: Creating innovative
of Catapult Network in the UK Innovation Vouchers for all Smaller Businesses in the UK £50 Million to Support World-Changing Technologies in the UK Italien MIUR and Tuscany Region Allocated €51 Million to Research and Development USA After U.S. Election 2014 U.S. Manufacturing Committee Pushes for Increased
Milliarden Euro drittgrößtes Budget Großbritannien New Funding for Traineeship Scheme Announced £ 186 Million Boost for Technologies of the Future Italien Minister Halts Italian Stem-Cell Therapy Trial Japan Cross-Ministerial Strategic Innovation Promotion Program for Ten Technology Fields New National
close links to drive economic recovery, Nesta-Report “The connected university” states Budget 2009 – Implications for the life sciences industry Italien In Italien legt die Biotechnologie trotz Krise zu The new med-tech innovation cluster Piemonte Biosciences Japan Verändertes Umfeld bei Förderung von N
Weltraumbahnhof gesucht UK and Mexico Celebrate Closer Economic and Academic Ties Government Invests £ 25 Million in Game-Changing Green Technologies Italien Nuclear Fusion Agreement Between Italy and Japan Agreement Between Italy and France on Marine Research Japan Rat fordert neue Universitätsaufnahmeprüfungen
Hochschulen und Forschung Französisch-Chinesisches Expertenkomitee für Innovation gegründet Großbritannien Plans for Big Data Research Center in the UK Italien First Report on Italy’s Academic and Research System by ANVUR Italy Appoints Its First Science Attaché in Sub-Saharan Africa Japan Japan beschließt
e Großbritannien UK and China Agree Multi-Million Pound Global Research Deals UK Government Outlines how Technology Can Benefit Further Education Italien Nuclear Physics Agreement Between Italy and Poland Russland Russia Plans to Increase Research at National Universities New Higher Education Ranking
Government Announced £ 285 Million of new Investment in Large Scale Science Projects Mitochondrial Donation Consultation Launched by the UK Government Italien Stefania Giannini is Italy’s New Minister of Education, University and Research Italy’s new National Plan for Research for 2014-2020 Kanada Kanadischer