StartseiteThemenCOVID-19-PandemieDFG: Deutsch-kanadische Kooperationsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen des NFRF 2022 Sonderaufrufs: Research for Post-Pandemic Recovery

DFG: Deutsch-kanadische Kooperationsmöglichkeiten im Rahmen des NFRF 2022 Sonderaufrufs: Research for Post-Pandemic Recovery

Stichtag: Abgabe von NFRF-Teilnahmeerklärungen: 26.04.2022; Einreichung von eigenen Anträgen auf Einzelförderung mit Kooperationsbezug bei der DFG: jederzeit Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) unterstützt den kanadischen New Frontiers in Research Fund (NFRF) im Rahmen einer neuen Sonderausschreibung. Der 2018 ins Leben gerufene NFRF fördert interdisziplinäre, risikoreiche und lohnende transformative Forschung.

The NFRF is under the strategic direction of the Canada Research Coordinating Committee (CRCC) which advances federal research priorities and the coordination of policies and programmes of Canada’s research funding agencies and the Canada Foundation for Innovation. The CRCC launched the NFRF special call: Research for Post-Pandemic Recovery.

This programme aims to mobilise research efforts in support of a more equitable, sustainable and resilient post-pandemic reality. It will support a diverse portfolio of projects that directly address one or more of the research priorities outlined in the UN Research Roadmap for COVID-19 Recovery. While the NFRF call requires the principal investigator to be based in Canada, it also requires the involvement of international collaborators and allows for the transfer of funds outside of Canada to support international participation.

In order to strengthen international cooperation in the field of Research for Post-Pandemic Recovery the DFG draws attention to the NFRF call. Interested researchers in Germany are in principle eligible for NFRF funds that can be used to support the research activities of international researchers. They have to be part of the research team and are encouraged to reach out to their Canadian research partners to prepare proposals for the competition. To apply for this Special Call grant, nominated principal investigators (NPI), along with co-principal investigators and/or co-applicants, must submit a notice of intent by April 26, 2022. The research team must then submit a full application by August 9, 2022. Details can be found in the NFRF call text . The DFG does not offer direct co-funding within the call.

However, researchers eligible for DFG funding can liaise with the Research for Post-Pandemic Recovery programme through an independent individual research grant proposal to the DFG with reference to a related cooperation. The framework of the Individual Research Grants Programme offers e.g. funding for travel expenses, funding for visiting researchers from abroad as well as funding for fellows to enable intensive and long-term exchange with visiting researchers.

The submission of proposals is possible at any time. Proposals should be written in English and must be submitted via the DFG elan system according to the guidelines for the programme “Research Grants Programme”. It is important for DFG applicants to note that there are no special funds available for these efforts. The review process is carried out separately from the NFRF call according to the DFG’s criteria for the Review of Research Grants and proposals must succeed on the strengths of their intellectual merit and compete with all other proposals in the Research Grants Programme.

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Redaktion: von Mirjam Buse, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Kanada Themen: Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Förderung Innovation Lebenswissenschaften sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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