StartseiteThemenCOVID-19-PandemieOECD: Beyond Containment: Health systems responses to COVID-19 in the OECD

OECD: Beyond Containment: Health systems responses to COVID-19 in the OECD

Erscheinungsdatum: 16.04.2020 Länderberichte und -studien

The main focus of this brief is on the policies aimed at providing effective care and managing the pressure on health systems. Four key measures health systems are putting in place in response to the epidemic are considered:

1) ensuring access of the vulnerable to diagnostics and treatment;

2) strengthening and optimising health system capacity to respond to the rapid increase in caseloads;

3) how to leverage digital solutions and data to improve surveillance and care; and

4) how to improve R&D for accelerated development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines.

Quelle: OECD Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: OECD Themen: Förderung Information u. Kommunikation Innovation Lebenswissenschaften sonstiges / Querschnittsaktivitäten Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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