StartseiteThemenDigitaler WandelFrankreich: Für eine sinnvolle Künstliche Intelligenz - Auf dem Weg zu einer französischen und europäischen Strategie

Frankreich: Für eine sinnvolle Künstliche Intelligenz - Auf dem Weg zu einer französischen und europäischen Strategie

Erscheinungsdatum: 29.03.2018 Strategiedokumente

The French national Ai strategy was announced by president Macron in March 2018. The five-year plan consists of four components. First, several initiatives to strengthen France’s AI ecosystem and attract the international talent. Key among them was the announcement of the National Artificial Intelligence Programme, which will create a network of four or five research institutes across France. Second, France will develop an open data policy to drive the adoption and application of AI in sectors where France already has the potential for AI excellence, such as healthcare. Third, the government will create a regulatory and financial framework to support the development of domestic “AI champions.” Finally, the government will development regulations for ethics to ensure that the use and development of AI is transparent, explainable, and non-discriminatory.

France's strategy is largely based on the report of Cédric Villani, Mathematician and Member of the French Parliament.

Quelle: Cédric Villani; Medium Redaktion: von Hendrik Dellbrügge, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Frankreich Themen: Information u. Kommunikation Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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