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Kanada: CRC - Communications Research Centre

Forschungseinrichtungen und -infrastruktur

CRC is the Government of Canada’s client-driven applied research centre for advanced telecommunications. The mission of the CRC is to

  • Perform wireless telecommunications R&D that advances the efficient exploitation of the radio spectrum, and serves as the government's leading source of scientific knowledge and long-term technical advice for spectrum management, regulation and policy purposes;
  • Support critical wireless telecommunications operational requirements of Government of Canada departments and agencies, such as National Defence and Public Safety; and
  • Take part in strategic R&D collaborations that leverage CRC's activities, resulting in knowledge and technology transfer, to the benefit of Canadian industry, the economy and Canadians.
Adresse: 3701 Carling Avenue K2H 8S2 Ottawa, ON Kanada Quelle: Webseite Redaktion: von Sonja Bugdahn, DLR Projektträger Länder / Organisationen: Kanada Themen: Information u. Kommunikation

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