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Citizen Science: IMPETUS Projektförderungen und EU-Preise für bürgerwissenschaftliche Initiativen

Stichtag: 13.03.2023 Sonstige Ausschreibungen

Der erste Aufruf des ERA-Projekts IMPETUS sieht verschiedene Förderungen vor: Kickstarting Grants zur Anschubfinanzierung neuer und Sustaining Grants zur Fortführung bestehender Citizen Science Projekte – sowie EU-Preise für bürgerwissenschaftliche Initiativen, dotiert mit bis zu 60.000 EUR. Frist für die Antragstellung ist der 13. März 2023.

There are two grants:

  • Kickstarting grants: If you start a project, successful applicants will receive 20.000 EUR, mentoring and training support to help start your initiative for a period of six months.
  • Sustaining grants: If you are an ongoing project, successful applicants will receive 10.000 EUR, mentoring and training support for a period of six months.

The challenges or topics of this first call are "Healthy planet" and "Cities for life". This means that your project should address and relate to one of these topics.

Who can apply? Individuals, legal entities, and consortia established in a country or territory eligible to receive Horizon Europe grants are eligible to apply. Please note that the geographic eligibility focuses on the European Research Area (ERA), namely the EU Member States, all overseas countries and territories linked to EU Member States and all third countries having concluded or currently negotiating an association status with Horizon Europe.

The funding can be spent on salaries, equipment, consumables, travel, and subcontracting in accordance with Horizon Europe guidelines.

The European Union Prize for citizen science

The second part of this call will recognize outstanding citizen science initiatives, with one 60.000 EUR Grand Prize and a Diversity & Collaboration and Digital Communities awards with 20.000 EUR each, plus 27 honorary mentions to boost recognition.

The project's understanding of citizen science is inclusive. They are seeking to fund projects that can make a difference on a local, national or international scale. They are particularly interested in applications that propose novel, less explored participatory roles for citizens and other key stakeholders and that engage with marginalised, underrepresented or disadvantaged groups.

Quelle: IMPETUS, Nationale Kontaktstelle EFR Redaktion: von Franziska Schroubek, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Ethik, Recht, Gesellschaft Förderung Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit

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