StartseiteThemenWissens- und TechnologietransferEuropean Cluster Observatory: Regional Ecosystem Scoreboard Summary Report

European Cluster Observatory: Regional Ecosystem Scoreboard Summary Report

Erscheinungsdatum: Mai 2016 Fachberichte und -studien Innovation: Indikatorik

The objective of the Regional Ecosystems Scoreboard is to identify, describe and capture the quality of framework conditions in the regional ecosystem that can foster or eventually hinder the creation of dynamic cross-sectoral collaboration for innovation and entrepreneurship revealing both enabling and constraining mechanisms. The Scoreboard is designed primarily for policy-makers responsible for regional, industrial and cluster policies. Its focus is not on measuring and ranking performance as in the case of other related regional scoreboards available at EU-level. The emphasis of the Scoreboard is rather placed on the Conditions and on the Dynamics that characterise the quality and nature of the regional ecosystem.

The Scoreboard covers all regions within the 28 EU Member States at the so-called NUTS 2 level or NUTS 1 level in the case of Belgium, Germany and the United Kingdom. It is organised around five key dimensions complemented with a horizontal sixth dimension of the quality of governance and sixteen sub-dimensions that determine the quality of conditions of regional ecosystems aiming at fostering regional innovation-driven entrepreneurship and structural change.

Quelle: European Cluster Observatory Redaktion: von Miguel Krux Länder / Organisationen: EU Themen: Innovation Netzwerke Strategie und Rahmenbedingungen

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