Inhalt dieser Ausgabe
Global / Multilateral
- OECD: Revision of the Frascati Manual
- OECD: Industriepolitik in Entwicklungsländern
- UN: Bioenergy and Food Security Need Linked Policy
- Global Desert Energy Project Hit by Key Partner's Exit
EU / Europa
- Agreement on “Horizon 2020”: The EU’s Research and Innovation Programme for the Years 2014 to 2020
- EU und europäische Industrie investieren gemeinsam 22 Milliarden Euro in Forschung und Innovation
- Eurostars Programme Receives over 1.14 Billion Euros
- New EU Initiative to Improve SME Access to Finance
- Praxisnahe Berufsausbildung soll europaweit gefördert werden
- Gesetz zu Bildung und Forschung von beiden Häusern der französischen Legislative verabschiedet
- Frankreich weitet sein Programm „Zukunftsinvestitionen“ aus
- EU Loan Guarantee Agreement for Innovative SMEs in France
- £ 200 Million Boost for UK Space Industry
- UK Government: over £ 60 Million for Synthetic Biology
- Japan's Science Policy Council Expands Role
- PM Announces Changes to the Ministry
- NRC and JAXA Perform Joint Research to Evaluate Widespread Fatigue Damage on Aircraft Fuselage
- Putin Grants Minor Concessions on Bill to Overhaul Russian Academy of Sciences
- Russia to Invest US$ 3 Billion in Giant Education Cluster
- Skoltech plant Ausbau der e-Infrastruktur zur Vernetzung mit der internationalen Forschung
- US Materials Genome Initiative Turns Two
- Egypt's Science Ministry Fails to Spend Enlarged Budget
- Argentina and China Boost Scientific and Economic Ties
- Priming Grants for Strengthening SME-Researcher Collaborations
- First Call of New Mobility Programme for Experienced Researchers in Croatia Launched
- NWO Spinoza Prizes 2013 for Mikhail Katsnelson, Piek Vossen and Bert Weckhuysen
- Research Council of Norway: NOK 239 Million for Research on Environment-Friendly Energy
- The FORNY2020 Programme: Proof-of-Concept Funding for 2014
- Die Steiermark ist Österreichs Innovations- und Industrieland Nummer eins