StartseiteLänderEuropaEuropa: Baltische LänderBiodivERsA Pan-European Call for International Research Proposals on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

BiodivERsA Pan-European Call for International Research Proposals on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Stichtag: Vorregistrierung: 05.01.11; Frist für Anträge: 17.02.11 Programmausschreibungen

BiodivERsA “Pan-European Call for International Research Proposals on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services” has been published on the project website  

Altogether, nine countries have confirmed their participation in this transnational programme: Austria, Estonia, France, Germany, Lithuania, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Belgium (formal agreement still expected for Belgium). The total provisional amount of the call is more than €11.1 million.  

Scientific teams from these nine countries will be invited to form transnational research consortia with a total of at least three different countries participating in the call, and to submit proposals before the 17 February 2011. Nevertheless, a mandatory pre-registration of the projects (title, summary and consortium) will have to be done before the 5 January 2011.  

The call will address the two following themes, across all ecosystems and organisms: relationships between biodiversity and ecosystem services; valuation of biodiversity and ecosystem services (monetary and non monetary), and better incorporation of biodiversity and ecosystem services into society and policy.  

The research proposals will be evaluated against criteria of scientific excellence and policy relevance. It is also expected that the European scope of the projects will provide a clearly identified added value to the research carried out.  

The budget available by agency/country is now online on the project website, as well as a HFAQH, a Hpartner search toolH and the Happlicant formH for indicative purposes only, as an EPSS will be available for the application submission at a later stage). As national eligibility rules are applied in this pan-European call, the potential applicants should contact their National Contact Point for more information (list available on the website).  

Applicants for German research funding have to decide whether they apply for basic research funding (proposals have to be submitted to DFG) or applied research funding (proposals have to be submitted to PT-DLR).  

BiodivERsA is a network composed of national organisations funding or managing research programmes on biodiversity across Europe. The objectives of this ERA-Net are to promote the cooperation between funding agencies in the field of biodiversity research and to coordinate research programmes at strategic and management levels to eventually develop and implement joint activities.

Gaby Rerig
Kennedyallee 40
53175 Bonn
Tel.: +49 228 - 885 - 2406
E-Mail: Gaby.Rerig(at)

Quelle: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) Redaktion: Länder / Organisationen: Belgien Deutschland Estland Frankreich Litauen Niederlande Österreich Schweden Spanien Themen: Grundlagenforschung Umwelt u. Nachhaltigkeit Förderung

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