StartseiteLänderEuropaVereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien)Großbritannien: "Degree Apprenticeships" - Duale Studiengänge für die Berufsausbildung

Großbritannien: "Degree Apprenticeships" - Duale Studiengänge für die Berufsausbildung

Die britische Regierung hat am 12. März die Einführung von dualen Studiengängen für neun Berufsfelder in der Industrie bekanntgegeben. Diese zeichnen sich durch eine Kombination von Studium und Berufsausbildung (apprenticeship) aus. Die Lehrlinge können zusätzlich zu ihrer betrieblichen Ausblildung einen Bachelor- oder Masterabschluss (Degree) erlangen. Die sogenannten "Degree Apprenticeships" bestehen bereits in vier Berufsfeldern und werdem nun auf weitere übertragen. Dazu tragen rund 100 Unternehmen und 20 Universitäten bei, die sich am Aufbau des Programmes beteiligen.

Government rolls-out flagship Degree Apprenticeships

The british government has announced the roll-out of 9 new industry designed Degree Apprenticeships - an innovative new model bringing together the best of higher and vocational education. Degree Apprenticeships will be offered in key areas including, Chartered Surveying, Aerospace Engineering, and Nuclear.

Groups of businesses, universities and colleges will develop practical, vocational degree courses which will allow people to combine both the academic study from a traditional university degree and the practical experience and wider employment skills vital for career success.

Apprentices will split their time between university study and the workplace and will be employed throughout – gaining a full bachelor’s or master’s degree from a top university while earning a wage and getting real on-the-job experience in their chosen profession.

Higher Apprentices are already able study to degree level as part of their apprenticeship but Degree Apprenticeships will go further. They will involve a degree as an integral part of the apprenticeship, co-designed by employers to make sure it is relevant for the skills industry is looking for.

As with other apprenticeships, the cost of course fees are shared between government and employers, meaning that the apprentice can earn a full bachelors or even masters degree without paying any fees. As well as being suitable for school leavers as an alternative route to gaining a degree, the new qualifications are expected to strengthen the vocational pathway and be suitable for existing apprentices looking to progress in their career.

Employers and educators have backed this innovative new model, with more than 100 companies working with more than 20 universities across the country to develop the programme so far. Degree Apprenticeships are expected to be suitable for both small and large businesses, and SMEs involved in the programme so far have said how it could give them better access to graduate-level talent.

Degree Apprenticeships

The 9 Degree Apprenticeships being announced are in:

  • Chartered Surveying
  • Electronic Systems Engineering
  • Aerospace Engineering
  • Aerospace Software Development
  • Defence Systems Engineering
  • Laboratory Science
  • Nuclear
  • Power Systems
  • Public Relations

Places will be available from this September. Places are also being advertised for starts this September on the Degree Apprenticeships already developed in:

  • Digital
  • Automotive Engineering
  • Banking Relationship Manager
  • Construction
Quelle: Government of the United Kingdom - Announcements Redaktion: von Tim Mörsch, VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH Länder / Organisationen: Vereinigtes Königreich (Großbritannien) Themen: Berufs- und Weiterbildung Bildung und Hochschulen

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